Graduate Admissions


The Department of Physics sometimes grants one or more Provost or Presidential Fellowships to incoming students, depending on funding. All applicants to our Ph.D. Programs are eligible (no additional application is needed). The Provost and Presidential Fellowships are designed to assist departments with the recruitment of superior doctoral students. In addition to the graduate research or teaching assistantship, the recipients of the Provost Fellowship will receive $2,500 for one academic year, and the recipients of the Presidential Fellowship will receive $5,000 for one academic year renewable for a second year.

Financial Aid

All our incoming Ph.D. students are offered Graduate Teaching Assistantships for the academic year. The Assistantships currently total $19,500 for the Fall and Spring semesters, and additional support of $6,500 is almost always available for the Summer. Students also receive matriculation fee waivers for the Fall and Spring semesters which will total approximately $16,696 for a non-resident of Floridas and $5,467 for Florida residents. Waivers are also likely to be available for the Summer semester as well in the amount of $5,566 (non-residents) and $1,823 (residents).

Application and Evaluation Process

The Physics Admissions Committee will review the applicant's documents on a preliminary basis to assess the chances of acceptance prior to submitting an official application and paying the application fee. Based on this preliminary review, the Physics Department will inform the applicant whether or not to proceed with the official application process with FAU's Graduate College. If the applicant receives a favorable recommendation to proceed, the applicant must apply online at To contact an individual faculty member in the Department of Physics, please visit the faculty pages on our website at

Step 1: Directions for Preliminary Review by the Physics Department

  • Our Physics Application form.
  • Unofficial copies of undergraduate and graduate (if available) transcripts. If not in English, the transcripts have to be translated into English.
  • Unofficial copy of your Degree Diploma (also in English).
  • An unofficial copy of your GRE scores.  For the Ph.D. program, the Physics subject test is required, and for the PSMMP and MST in physics programs, the General test is required. More GRE scores may be submitted than are required.
  • An unofficial copy of your TOEFL score (International students).
  • A Brief Statement of Purpose outlining your research interests.
  • Three letters of recommendation. It is preferred that each of these is sent directly by the recommender to the appropriate email address below, with the applicant's name in the subject line. However, letters sent by the applicant or by mail are also acceptable

These documents can be sent by email (preferred), mail, or fax to the following. (for Ph.D. and MST in physics applicants), or (for PSMMP applicants)

Mail the package to the following.

Chair, Graduate Student Selection Committee
Florida Atlantic University
Department of Physics
777 Glades Rd.  Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA
FAX: (561)297-2662


It is requested that these documents be received by January 15, but later applications will be considered as possible.

Step 2: Directions for Official Application to FAU's Graduate College.

  • If you are recommended to proceed with the official application to the Graduate College, the deadlines for fall admission are July 1 for domestic applicants and June 1 for international applicants (supporting documents may arrive shortly after this deadline). The complete application instructions, as well as the application itself, can be found at
  • Fill out the online application. Paper applications are not accepted.
  • Pay the application fee online or by mail. The fee may be submitted in the form of a check, money order, or U.S. traveler's check. All checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank.
  • Send official GRE scores to Florida Atlantic University (school code is 5229).
  • Send official, sealed transcripts by mail to the Graduate College (domestic and international students)
  • All degrees awarded from institutions outside the U.S. must be professionally certified. This can either be done by FAU (, or can be done by one of the organizations listed on the NACES website If a NACES organization is used, note that only a "General" evaluation is required (a "Course-by-Course" evaluation is not required), and the certified documents must be sent to the Graduate College.
  • International students must submit official TOEFL scores to Florida Atlantic University (school code is 5229), or submit one of the other FAU accepted evidence of English proficiency - see International Student Admission.

Send the official documents to the address below.

Florida Atlantic University
Graduate College
SU-80, Rm 101
777 Glades Road, PO Box 3091
Boca Raton, FL 33431
The Graduate College Phone number is: 561-297-3624.