
Details on the Class Credits for FAU Students

We currently offer additional credit for FAU students' Introduction to Astronomy class. The amount of the credit offered is 60 points for a night session and 40 points for a solar session. Though students may come as often as they like to any of the lectures, attendance is accredited only once per semester. We record your attendance with a sign-out sheet. Observation sessions continue throughout the semester, however once reading days or finals start, the observation sessions for credit for that semester ends as students should focus their energies and their time on their studies for their examinations.

The for credit lectures will be provided even if the weather does not provide favorable conditions for star gazing. As the lectures begin promptly, please show up on time so you can follow the discussions.

If you can not make the regularly scheduled observation time, you can contact me for an appointment, however, you do not need to make an appointment for an already scheduled session.

And yes, your friends and/or family may attend the sessions, after all, it is their universe, too!