
The Problems of Light Pollution

Light pollution: Any adverse effect of artificial light including sky glow, glare, light trespass, light clutter, decreased visibility at night, and energy waste. Light pollution is not only a hinderance to astronomy, but it also impacts us directly.

Light pollution:

Other Florida Observatories

We have welcomed many different groups to come to visit our observatory, from school classes, to extracurricular groups and day camps.

On cloudy days or evenings, we will still offer lectures or video presentations to our visitors.

For those that can not make our Public Viewing events, there are various astronomical viewings available through out the state, to the public, such as in:

Astronomical Information

General Sky Conditions 

What's Up in the Sky!


The Sun Today:

The Sun is in the constellation of Gemini, almost like it is a ball they are kicking around. Any ball that is kicked high up into the air, will reach a peak height before it returns to the ground. And so, our own planet reached its peak distance away from the Sun in its orbit around the star, this past week on July the 4th. That made it Aphelion Day! And just as a ball does after passing the peak height and begins its fall to the ground, our planet began to travel faster afterwards too, in its orbit as it continues on in the year.

The Sun will pass "off sides" and out of the twins playground at July 20th to then enter Cancer the crab's realm. And on it will continue, through to Leo the lion's den on August 10th. While it may seem like a tasty snack to Leo, our star will safely pass by him and on to meet with Virgo the maiden on September the 16th.

Lunar Phases:

Current Moon

moon info
1st Qtr. Moon July 13th  
Full Moon July 21st  
Last Qtr. Moon July 28th  
New Moon Aug. 4th  
1st Qtr. Moon Aug. 12th  
Full Moon Aug. 19th  
Last Qtr. Moon Aug. 26th  
New Moon Sep. 3rd  


Meteor Showers:


Section updated: July. 13th, 2024.

Note: compare shower dates with Moon for favorable viewing conditions; the fuller the Moon, the harder it will be to see the meteors!

Peak Night Name Radiant's
Source Zero
Description Conditions
July 27-28th Alpha
north of α
5 23 km/s slow,
bright meteors
a bit
~July 28th Piscis
? 5 35 km/s seen best
in the south
July 28-29th Delta
δ Aquarius comet 96P
16 41 km/s faint
Aug. 12-13th Perseids Perseus comet 109P
100 59 km/s fast, bright
colorful meteors,
may be double

Viewing Tips: Find a decent location away from obstructive lights in night, especially avoid bluish-white lights that so impact your night vision capabilities which you'll need to see the fainter meteors! The meteors are generally heaviest in the wee hours of the morning as then we'll be in front of the Earth as it plows it way through the debris trail. You'll want a clear and unobstructed view of the sky as you can find as the meteors will appear to travel across the entire sky. It is this is reason that an observatory, like FAU's, is a poor choice to go to observe a meteor shower. An even worse place to go would be a cave! In South Florida, I often advise folks to try the beach, though please be VERY careful during sea turtle season! Egg nests or little hatchlings can be easily crushed by clumsy feet. Use only red LED flashlights if you go to the beach to not only avoid stepping on these reptiles, but the color also protects your night vision (and of course your night time circadian rhythm, too) so that you can see the show. Bring a blanket, use bug spray, get comfortable and enjoy the view!

Additional details about meteors, showers or to REPORT your own fireball observations should be done via


Events Calendar:

July 2024


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
  1 2 3
4 🎆

Univ. Closed: Aphelion and Indep. Day

5 🌑

Still closed

7 8 9 10 11 12
13 🌓
14 15
16 🔭

Public Night Viewing

17 18 19 20
20 🌕
22 23 24 25 26
27 🌠

Alpha Capricornids Meteor Shower

28 🌠 🌗

Piscis Austridids Meteor Shower

29 🌠

Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower

30 31